The butterfly is an insect that has four coloured wings. The body is slender and is divided into three parts, the head, the thorax and the abdomen. The head of the butterfly is small and round. It consists of the brain, the sensory organs and the mouth parts. It has a pair of large compound eyes. The butterfly has two antennas which stick out from its head. The antennas serve as smelling organs. They are used to locate food. The mouth is located between the eyes. The proboscis, which looks like a sharp straw, is used to take in food.
The thorax is the middle part of the body. It contains powerful flight muscles and it carries the wings and the legs. The abdomen is tube like in shape and usually consists of six segments. It consists of the heart, the respiratory, reproductive and digestive organs. The butterfly breathes through about ten holes called spiracles. Like all insects, the butterfly lays eggs which hatch into larvae. The larvae are called caterpillars. The caterpillars develops into the pupa. The pupa does not move about. It is usually suspended by a thread to a leaf or tree branch or it may be hidden in the ground. If the pupa survives, it develops into a butterfly after some time.
The butterfly is very useful to humans. It pollinates our flowers and crops. By doing this, it makes it possible for us to have plenty of food to eat.
The butterfly is very useful to humans. It pollinates our flowers and crops. By doing this, it makes it possible for us to have plenty of food to eat.
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