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Showing posts from February, 2018


Diet is the total amount of food consumed by a person. Nutritious food contains all the essential nutrients proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. A balanced diet should contain all these in the correct proportions and sufficient quantity. The word  diet implies a particular intake of food for health or weight management reasons. Nutrition is the provision of materials to an organism to support its life. Food is a thing which, when eaten and digested, can be used by the body to provide energy, or substances that help in the body building and repair or in the preservation of health.     Foods may be grouped into types according to whether they are solid or liquid. Solid food are potatoes, rice, beans and liquid foods are milk, fruit juices.     Foods can also be grouped into classes based on the chemical composition of the food and the nutrients present in the food. Foods are grouped into six classes, namely carbohydrate, protein, fats, vitamin...


Most assuredly whales are not fish,Whales and men trace the same ancient lineage through creatures born in the warm water of the primal oceans who exiled themselves to the precarious environment of the dry land. Although they bear a superficial resemblance to fishes, whales have little in common with the scaly tribe. When they returned to the sea they brought with them an intelligence of a radically new order one that had evolved as a direct consequence of the ferocious difficulties which all terrestrial animals must face in order to survive. On the other hand, the emerging human stock had to battle desperately for survival in a bitterly rigorous environment, not only against an array of other animals which were often physically and functionally superior, but against the organized and warlike competition of their own species. Going out and coming back to the sea enables them to survive successfully as a natural beings yet they were beings who, like protoman endowed with a great intel...


Advertising is one of the ways in which merchant and manufacturers market their goods. Advertising does two things, it tells the buyers that a certain product is for sale, and where they can buy it. Publicity also means the same as advertising, though usually with a rather special sense. If a manufacturer is about to open a new factory, he may advertise in newspapers and put up posters or display it in the media.     Advertising and publicity both really date from an early stage in man's life, every trade sign over a shop is a kind of advertisement, and trade signs certainly go back at least as far as the days of ancient Rome. An actual display of the goods is another old form of advertising. In medieval times a good deal of advertising took place at the regular trade fairs held in importance centres. Fairs and exhibitions are still held today in the various parts of the world. There are various ways of advertising. Direct advertising includes not only circulars, booklets, ...


Counter trade, a modern variant of the age old system of trade by barter, has emerged as a new feature of economic relationship. For a nation which is suffering from a drastic reduction in its foreign exchange earnings and trade arrears with Western export credit agencies, counter trade has the attraction of providing goods for the domestic market without draining the scarce foreign exchange. The low credit rating which the country has in the international capital market and the unwillingness of the government to adhere strictly to the international monetary fund's supervised adjustment programme also favour counter trade in the system.     However, there are grounds for insisting that counter trade should be used with caution. Counter trade is a form of gambling. As with every other forms of trade by barter, one partner is inevitably going to be better off than the other in the end. This will be determined by what monetary value is assigned to the goods exchanged and how c...


 The idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light lamp bulbs or even to run a small electric motor is almost unbelievable, but several kinds of fish are able to do this. Even more strangely, this curious power has been acquired in different ways by fish belonging to very different families. The best known are the electric rays, or torpedoes, of which several kinds live in warm seas. They possess on each side of the head, behind the eyes, an organ consisting of small hexagonal shaped cells rather like a honey comb. The cells are filled with a jelly like substance, and contains a series of flat electric plates.    The fish gives an even more powerful shock. The system is different from that of the torpedo in that the electric plates run longitudinally and are supplied with nerves from the spinal cord. Consequently, the current passes along the fish from head to tail. The electric organs of these fish are really altered muscles and like all mus...


The most basic contribution of agriculture to economy is, the supply of foodstuff to the populance, and the provision of employment and the means of livelihood. But beyond these, agriculture also provides raw materials for industry and contributes to the improvement of the nation's foreign exchange through export as well as savings in import.     The issue that people must address themselves, is the role agriculture should play in relation to the other sectors of the economy. In developing agriculture, a nation has several options to follow. It may stress the role of agriculture as an important instrument for sustaining expansion in the non agricultural sector of the economy. A nation can stress agricultural development because it can yield huge sum of money in foreign exchange or because it can absorb abundant cheap labour. Therefore, any country that wants to use agriculture to develop its economy must understand these options before setting up strategies for implementing...


Health and peace of mind are among life's greatest treasures. Must of us may enjoy a fuller degree of physical health and none need lack of mental peace. The fact is obvious that on every hand we find suffering and disease, people are afflicted with all kinds of ailments, among which cancer, diabetes and diseases of the heart and blood vessels rank high. Increasing demand is made on the hospital services. As we become aware of the prevailing condition, we might well ask how can we avoid serious illness?     A disease condition developes when we do not maintain health, disease is the absence of health. Thus, the physician combats disease, not so much by concentrating on the disease itself, as by seeking to restore health. It is recognized that the right approach to the problem of curing or avoiding disease, is to concentrate on restoring or maintaining positive health. Generally speaking, the same rules she follows in order to maintain health, her patients must follow in ord...


One of the most exciting races ever run is doctors fighting malaria and mosquitoes. Some health workers around the world are doing all they can to destroy malaria before the mosquitoes that pass on the disease become resistant to the poisons now used against them. It is a race against time and against difficulties, with millions of lives in danger and the chances of winning not in man's favour.    The world health organization is helping national government to get rid of malaria be resistance among the mosquito population becomes so great that new poisons will have to be found to replace those in use at present. Most of the countries in the world have started campaigns against mosquitoes. If the race against resistance is won by man, it is possible that malaria will disappear. Malaria is the world oldest recorded disease. People recognized that there must be some connections between malaria and swamps, and some believed that insects living near swamps might be the carrier o...


Hernia occurs in an individual when part of the intestine pushes through the wall of the abdomen and appears as a bulge at the site. There are many sites where hernia can occur, although the commonly encountered type is that found in the groin. This type of hernia is known as femoral or inguinal hernia. Hernia may occur on the navel or near it. The hernia which occurs on the navel is called umbilical hernia, while that which occurs close to it is known as paraumbilical hernia. These two types of hernia are less common than the femoral type.   Groin hernia occurs more commonly in males, but can also occur in females in a few cases. In this kind of hernia, there is a weakness in the abdominal wall in the groin region about midway across the groin. It may appear on either side or, sometimes on both sides. A good sign is that swelling increases, initially it can be pushed back manually into the body. Later on, it gets bigger still and lies almost permanently outside the body, especi...


Scientists determined long ago that the sun is not merely burning like a great ball of coal. Indeed, if it were merely coal, it would have burned for only a few thousand years, and would have turned to cold cinders billion years ago. Some other explanation was required. It is atomic, or nuclear energy that fires the stars. This energy the same as that of the hydrogen bomb comes from the process we call nuclear fusion, in which the nuclei, or cores, of hydrogen atoms collide, uniting to form helium nuclei and giving off burst of energy. No other process we know could possibly pour out such sustained quantities of energy. Moreover, we know that for the sun to stabilize at its present size, it must have a temperature and pressure at its core sufficient to support nuclear reactions. Thus, deep within the sun, each second, 564 million tons of hydrogen are converted to 560 million tons of helium. The remaining four million tons each second radiates away as heat and light.     If ...

Standard of living

By standard of living we mean the degree or extent to which we satisfy our needs or wants. In the olden days, the basic needs were food, shelter and clothing. Today, all countries of West Africa have passed that level. Wants are now satisfied beyond these three basic needs. For example, our basic wants are now better satisfied. The foods we eat are now richer and in greater variety. Most families now eat bread and eggs and drink tea or coffee as breakfast. In the past, these would have been found in only very few houses in West Africa. The clothes we wear are more fanciful, more elaborate and elegant, and the houses we live in are far more superior and more comfortable than those enjoyed by our grandfathers. But in addition to all these, we now enjoy more luxury than our forefathers did. We now have wireless radio and coloured television sets, video and cassette recorders. We can cover a great deal of distance in a very short time by air. Also today, better education and medical faci...

Localization Of Industries

Generally speaking, a firm will be sited in an area which is free from any close competitor. In this way, it can have the whole market to itself. However, it is often found that firms producing similar products are located close to themselves in certain areas. The concentration of various arms of an industry producing related goods in a particular area, such that the area becomes closely associated with the industry, is called localization. There are some advantages in locating industries close to firms producing similar products. These advantages which a firm derives by its location nearest to firms of a similar nature are called external economies.   In Great Britain, many industries are highly localized. The main centre of the cotton industry, for example, is concentrated in South Lancashire, while the woollen industry is concentrated in Yorkshire. Similarly, boots and shoes industries are localized in West riding, pottery in North stafordshire, motor industry in the black coun...

Reading for word pictures

Writers use many devices to enable the reader to follow the main points of a story. One of these devices employed specially in narrative or story writing is the use of word pictures. Descriptions are built up in such a way, with the addition of details, that the active reader is able to visualize in his mind's eye the scenes the writer set out to create. This is why story reading provides so much individual pleasure. Each individual takes from the story something proportional to what he has put into it. If you read with interest and curiosity, then you will find many word pictures to stimulate your imagination. If, on the other hand, you read passively, letting your eyes and mind glide Over the page, then you will overlook many word pictures and consequently, lose some of the meaning. E.g"it was one January morning, very early a pinching, frosty morning (feeling) the cove all grey with hoar-frost(sight), the ripple lapping softly on the stones(sound), the sun still low and tou...

Housing Problems

Housing is certainly one of the basic necessities of man. However when rural dwellers migrated to the urban areas in very large numbers, housing has become a problem. This further exacerbate by the upsurge in the number of people coming to stay in a country, increasing the country's population in a manner that surpasses the rate at which houses are built, and the relative in cash flow which makes people desires better living conditions.    The importance of housing is so universally acknowledge that the United Nations declared 1986 international year of shelter. But so far, all efforts made, including building of housing estates by the government, have not solved the problem of inadequate housing. How could this be solved? The government should make provision of amenities to be getting in cheap rates, various building materials such as cement, roofing sheets, asbestos, as well as finishing materials such as paints and tiles. The government should build and sell the house at a...

Irrigation and drainage system

IRRIGATION:This is the artificial application of water to the soil or land in order to eliminate soil water handicap or insufficient rainfall to soil production. IMPORTANCE: (i) It enables crops to mature or increase their yield. (ii) Provision of optimum environment for plant production. (iii) It modifies both plants and soil climate. (iv) To cool the soil and the atmosphere thereby making them conducive for growing crops. (v) Softens tillage pans. IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Irrigation system is divided into two : (a) Surface Irrigation (b) Subsurface Irrigation EVALUATING LAND FOR IRRIGATION. (i) The soil must be able and retain good quality water, i.e good water holding capacity. (ii) Topography should be suitable for irrigation or of such a nature that the land can be levelled without exposing subsoil of undesirable characteristics. (iii) Soil profile should be premeable so that drainage will not be impeded.           DRAINAGE SYSTEM  Drain...

Marriage Failure

In many parts of Nigeria, marriage costs a lots of money. As a result, during marriage ceremonies, the couple are usually presented with lots of gifts to help them start their new home. The type of gifts often presented include materials for: nursing a baby, living in a house and also money. During wedding ceremonies, husband and wife are given pieces of advice on how to live happily together. In church marriage, the husband and wife are are sponsored by experienced couple. The sponsors give them all types of encouragement to make them live happily. The sponsors visit the new weds often to attend to their problems. Parents also do not leave their newly married children. They go to them for all types of help including advice and meeting their material needs. PROBLEMS THAT FACE NEWLY MARRIED PEOPLE.    When two people not used to one another start living together, they will start having some problems. Each has to learn the lifestyle of the other and try to adjust to it. Where ...

Rock Formation

A rock may be defined as a hard compact mass made up of cluster of primary or secondary minerals. The primary minerals are those that are as they were made in nature. Some of them are Quartz, Olivine, Pyroxene, Hornblende, Biotite, Muscovite and feldspar. On the other hand, secondary minerals consists of particles worn out from original minerals which have combined with other elements. They exist in form of: (i) Oxide such as those of magnesium, Iron and Aluminum. (ii) Sulphates and carbonates of Iron, Magnesium and Calcium. (iii) Clay minerals such as the silicate clays and the hydrous Oxide.   TYPES OF ROCKS (i) Igneous rock (ii) sedimentary rock (iii) Metamorphic rock. Based on their chemical composition, we have basic and acidic rocks. Granite is a very good example of an acid rock. PROCESSES OF ROCK FORMATION IGNEOUS ROCK :This is formed through the process of cooling and hardening of the molten magma. This molten magna is confined deep down below the earth crust und...


 People do type of work or the other. At the end they get paid some money for the work they have done. The pay is not usually the same for everybody since people do different types of work. This often makes workers to keep demanding for more pay in order that they may be able to buy their basic needs.    Workers can be grouped according to how they are paid for the work they do. Some people are paid a big amount of money at the end of the month. These are highly skilled workers doing some specialized work in the society. The money they are given is called salary. There is another group that does not receive as much money. Their pay is measured by the number of hours they work or the amount of work they do. Their pay is called wages. WHY PEOPLE ARE PAID DIFFERENT AMOUNT OF MONEY. Level of Qualification:Qualification means gaining a level of knowledge. Those who have high qualification earn more money than those who have low qualification. e.g a professor earn much...


It was a moment of sober reflection, moment of self pity, moment of deviating from evil to good to stay away from Idol worshipping and embrace our Lord Jesus in other to receive the blessing of God. People preferred to worship foreign gods than the heavenly host,so many Christians that God and at the same time they are inside shrine doing incantations to other gods, whenever you do that you have eliminated yourself from God's blessing.    Further, "because of idolatry God's blessing has continued to elude you, therefore get rid of Idol worship in your midst and God will bless you. It's a contradiction for you to see a child of God that called himself a Christian and at the same time practicing idolatry. Most of us what we are suffering today is ancestral manipulations, many families worshipped idols and many families committed lots of evils.    It is true that Jesus Christ came and sacrificed himself, this means that, any Idol family that exist is because of love o...


Secret societies should be banned because they are devilish, quite costly and discriminatory, besides they generate unnecessary conflicts.    After the basic initiation rites have been performed, a member of a secret society may still be called upon to perform propitiatory and ceremonial rites, which may often involve human sacrifice, ritual murder and other practices that are often diabolical in nature. Some members of some secret societies are known to have offered their parents as sacrifice for some anticipated material benefits. Others are suspected of having brought sudden death on innocent road users through accidents by magical or mysterious means. Belated travellers have been kidnapped, maimed and, much worse, used as sacrificial lambs to meet the insatiable demands of secret societies.    Another problem of secret societies, and indeed one that has far reaching consequences for our society is the huge sums of money spent on burial rites and other social pr...


One of the interesting things to me about our spaceship is that it is a mechanical vehicle, just as is an automatic. If you own an automobile, you realize that you must put oil and gas into it, and you must put water in the radiator and take care of the car. You begin to develop quite a little thermodynamics sense. You know that you are either going to have to keep the machine in a good order or it's going to be in trouble and fail to function. We have not been seeing our spaceship earth as an integrally-designed machine which,to be persistently successful, must be comprehended and serviced in total.    Quite clearly, all living beings are utterly helpless at the moment of birth. The human child stays helpless longer than the young of any other species. Apparently, it is part of the "invention" man that he is meant to be utterly helpless through certain anthropological phases and that, when he begins to be able to get on a little better, he is meant to discover some of t...


Drought is a word that invokes strong emotions, principal among which are fear and panic. This is not surprising as the phenomenon is usually accompanied by a number of unpleasant developments such as famine, massive population movement, misery and, in extreme cases, death. These developments have implications for all Africans, starting from the peasant farmers, who stand to be transformed from subsistence agricultural producers into resourcesless consumers,to the state and federal governments which may be plunged into emergency and crisis situations which, if not successfully managed, could result in social unrest.    Since large areas of the country are drought prone, the consequences of these inevitable dry spells could be very severe. Because the effects of drought usually linger on, the impact of a drought on national development would be felt for years. One has to do with emergency measures and the other with routine measures. The emergency measures will involve mechani...


All reading is geared to understanding. There would be no point in reading if we did not understand what we are reading. However there are many different obstacles in the way of easy understanding of a passage. It is your task as a reader to actively seek to break down the barriers to understanding.    One block to understanding is caused by references in the passage to things that are outside it. Pronoun are the first examples of words that refer to people and objects. Sometimes, it is easy to follow the reference at other times, it is more difficult. Look at the opening sentence of the passage you've just read that begins this way  "She was waiting for us:small, dowdy, dirty..."  Who was waiting? Who was the person waiting for? (Perhaps you would also like to know why she was waiting.)Answers to these questions will surely help you to understand and thus follow the reference. The first thing to do is to ask questions like the ones we have just asked and to read t...


It is no military secret that an opposed river crossing operation is difficult even under ideal conditions. But without adequate standard equipment and with a poor level of training of soldiers and officers, it could become impossible. But the Army Headquarters and Supreme Headquarters had strongly advised against embarking on an opposed river crossing because of inadequacy of equipment and deficiency in the training of troops for such a semi-specialist operation. The Supreme Headquarters had advised on unopposed crossing while the division passed through 1 Division's secure position to capture the town. The Division commander decided to take a grave and calculated risk that could be called bravado. But if the operation had been successful, as it nearly was, it would have been one of the most praiseworthy operations of the entire war. In the end, it failed and the commander had to take the blame for it.     The first landing, in which the Division Commander himself took part,...