Diet is the total amount of food consumed by a person. Nutritious food contains all the essential nutrients proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. A balanced diet should contain all these in the correct proportions and sufficient quantity. The word diet implies a particular intake of food for health or weight management reasons. Nutrition is the provision of materials to an organism to support its life. Food is a thing which, when eaten and digested, can be used by the body to provide energy, or substances that help in the body building and repair or in the preservation of health. Foods may be grouped into types according to whether they are solid or liquid. Solid food are potatoes, rice, beans and liquid foods are milk, fruit juices. Foods can also be grouped into classes based on the chemical composition of the food and the nutrients present in the food. Foods are grouped into six classes, namely carbohydrate, protein, fats, vitamin...