Writers use many devices to enable the reader to follow the main points of a story. One of these devices employed specially in narrative or story writing is the use of word pictures. Descriptions are built up in such a way, with the addition of details, that the active reader is able to visualize in his mind's eye the scenes the writer set out to create. This is why story reading provides so much individual pleasure. Each individual takes from the story something proportional to what he has put into it. If you read with interest and curiosity, then you will find many word pictures to stimulate your imagination. If, on the other hand, you read passively, letting your eyes and mind glide Over the page, then you will overlook many word pictures and consequently, lose some of the meaning. E.g"it was one January morning, very early a pinching, frosty morning (feeling) the cove all grey with hoar-frost(sight), the ripple lapping softly on the stones(sound), the sun still low and touching the hilltops and shinning far to seaward (sight).
You should bring your experiences of cold mornings, no doubt, cold harmattan mornings, to bear upon this description. You may live near a river, stream, Lake or the sea itself. How does it look when the tide is low and the water is peaceful? You may never have seen the lake or sea like this but you can respond to the appeal to the senses of touch and sound.
You should bring your experiences of cold mornings, no doubt, cold harmattan mornings, to bear upon this description. You may live near a river, stream, Lake or the sea itself. How does it look when the tide is low and the water is peaceful? You may never have seen the lake or sea like this but you can respond to the appeal to the senses of touch and sound.
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