Going down the memory lane would remind us that even christ in the Bible knew the importance of being kind and good. No wonder the miracles performed by our master Jesus have remained uncountable and innumerable, the healing of the blind man called Bartimeus, the paralytic and also the story of the good samaritan. Hence, in him we see the melange of goodness and kindness together with its beneficial fruits.
Consequent upon this, we cannot say that goodness does not only defy odds. To cultivate goodness and kindness is valuable of the business of life. As Christians if we do not consider all other people as having value and worth. Knowing, we are prejudiced, against which the Bible speaks strongly, my brethren, do you with your acts of favourism really believe in our glorious Lord Jesus christ? For if a person with gold ring and in fine clothes come into your assembly, and if a poor person in dirty clothes also comes in, and if you take notice of the one wearing the fine clothes and say, 'have a seat here, please, while to the one who is poor you say, ' stand there, or 'sit at my feet, ' have not made distinctions and become judges with evil thought.
Being good, kind and nice translate to accepting each for his/her individual worth. Experience and research have prove to me that some people still wallow in the vice of predicament and suffering of their fellow human being. All these are due to some factors like socio-economic class (great gap between the status, ethnic origin and otherwise.)
Let us bear in mind that each and every one of us on earth is important. We cannot leave without the other. Individualism should not be found amongst us, rather let us uphold communalism. It is only in the practice of communalism that we can see and recognize the importance of each person irrespective of his race, colour, age, sex, etc. Everyone has value or as a popular saying of the growing up years reminds. God don't make no junk ".
In conclusion, let us know that it is only the undervalued, underated, belittled that can be in a better position to teach us, encourage us and even be important allies for us. This is because they can easily sacrifice their time, energy. Being kind always comes back to repay us in the long run. We don't lose by being good, kind or nice. One elderly gentleman once said, "when I treat other people with kindness and love, it is part of my way of paying my debt to God and the world for the privilege of living on this planet.
Consequent upon this, we cannot say that goodness does not only defy odds. To cultivate goodness and kindness is valuable of the business of life. As Christians if we do not consider all other people as having value and worth. Knowing, we are prejudiced, against which the Bible speaks strongly, my brethren, do you with your acts of favourism really believe in our glorious Lord Jesus christ? For if a person with gold ring and in fine clothes come into your assembly, and if a poor person in dirty clothes also comes in, and if you take notice of the one wearing the fine clothes and say, 'have a seat here, please, while to the one who is poor you say, ' stand there, or 'sit at my feet, ' have not made distinctions and become judges with evil thought.
Being good, kind and nice translate to accepting each for his/her individual worth. Experience and research have prove to me that some people still wallow in the vice of predicament and suffering of their fellow human being. All these are due to some factors like socio-economic class (great gap between the status, ethnic origin and otherwise.)
Let us bear in mind that each and every one of us on earth is important. We cannot leave without the other. Individualism should not be found amongst us, rather let us uphold communalism. It is only in the practice of communalism that we can see and recognize the importance of each person irrespective of his race, colour, age, sex, etc. Everyone has value or as a popular saying of the growing up years reminds. God don't make no junk ".
In conclusion, let us know that it is only the undervalued, underated, belittled that can be in a better position to teach us, encourage us and even be important allies for us. This is because they can easily sacrifice their time, energy. Being kind always comes back to repay us in the long run. We don't lose by being good, kind or nice. One elderly gentleman once said, "when I treat other people with kindness and love, it is part of my way of paying my debt to God and the world for the privilege of living on this planet.
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