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Science of sex

Besides the reason Mother Nature intended, sex has so many more personal health and happiness benefits than you might think. Did you know that having sex when you're older is good for your health ? Or that women want it just as much as men? (Actually, you probably did already know about that one.) The only issue with sex is that we don't talk about it enough. The typically taboo topic often makes us blush at the mere utterance of the word, but it's time to break free from our sheepish shackles and be empowered by—these surprising things will make you sexier
 .Of all human activities, sex is possibly the ultimate mind-body experience. Reproductive organs often steal the spotlight in sex ed classes, but male and female sexual attraction responses engage senses and body parts from head to toe.One physiological response to attraction is pupil dilation. Studies have confirmed that heterosexual men rate women with wider pupils as more comely and feminine. A majority of heterosexual women, on the other hand, prefer moderately dilated pupils among men, which indicate interest -- not unbridled lust.Sexual attraction can do some less-than-attractive things to the human body. Case in point: sweaty palms. The classic symptom of attraction is the result of a release of norepinephrine in the brain that stimulates sweat glands into turning on their waterworks. The palms are especially affected by that dampening action since they're covered in up to 3,000 sweat glands per inch.
       Studies have found that the human nose guides sexual attraction -- and not in the dubiously pheromone-infused perfumes kind of way. Replicated studies have asked women to rate the body odor scents from men's undershirts. Over and over, the sweetest smelling were from men with the most diverse immune system makeup. In that way, without even knowing it, the women's noses were silently sussing out a man's genes to find the optimal fit.
Although a recent Australian study debunked the theory that a deeper male voice belies stronger sperm, other studies nevertheless support sexual preferences for bass notes. In addition to assessing lower-pitched male voices as more masculine, women also associate deeper voices with authority, larger body size and physical attractiveness.

 A prevailing theory of why humans kiss on the lips as a manifestation of sexual attraction is that it naturally evolved over time from sniffing each other, and the first known documentation of a romantic kiss came in a 1000 B.C. Indian text called the Mahabharata. In addition to exchanging affection, men also pass along testosterone in their saliva during lip-locks
Why does a cultural association between sex and toes exist? Anecdotally, many men and women report contracting their toes when they climax. One explanation for this could lie in where toe movement and sexual sensation is processed in the brain. In the male brain, at least, the somatosensory neurons responsible for genital sensation are nestled next to those devoted to the toes. Since toes and genitalia are neighbors in the brain, it lends some nestled next to those devoted to the toes. Since toes and genitalia are neighbors in the brain, it lends some neurological insight to the toe-orgasm association -- as well as the existence of foot fetishes.


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