civil rights movement’s term racism (prejudice or discrimination based on race). Sexism can be a belief that one sex is superior to or more valuable than another sex. It imposes limits on what men and boys can and should do and what women and girls can and should do. The concept of sexism was originally formulated to raise
consciousness about the oppression of girls and women, although by the early 21st century it had sometimes been expanded to include the oppression of any sex, including men and boys.
Sexism in a society is most commonly applied against women and girls. It functions to maintain patriarchy , or male domination, through ideological and material practices of individuals, collectives, and institutions that oppress women and girls on the basis of sex or gender. Such oppression usually takes the forms of economic exploitation and social domination. Sexist behaviours, conditions, and attitudes perpetuate stereotypes of social (gender) roles based on one’s biological sex. A common form of
socialization that is based in sexist concepts teaches particular narratives about traditional gender roles for males and females. According to such a view, women and men are opposite, with widely different and complementary roles: women are the weaker sex and less capable than men, especially in the realm of logic and rational reasoning. Women are relegated to the domestic realm of nurturance and emotions and, therefore, according to that reasoning, cannot be good leaders in business, politics, and academia. Although women are seen as naturally fit for domestic work and are superb at being caretakers, their roles are devalued or not valued at all when compared with men’s work.
The extreme form of sexist ideology is
misogyny , the hatred of women. A society in which misogyny is prevalent has high rates of brutality against women—for example, in the forms of domestic violence,
rape , and the commodification of women and their bodies. Where they are seen as property or as second-class citizens, women are often mistreated at the individual as well as the institutional level. For example, a woman who is a victim of rape (the individual or personal level) might be told by a judge and jury (the institutional level) that she was culpable because of the way she was dressed.
The disentanglement of gender (and thus gender roles and gender identities) from biological sex was an accomplishment in large part of feminism, which claimed that one’s sex does not predict anything about one’s ability, intelligence, or personality. Extracting social behaviour from biological determinism allowed greater freedom for women and girls from stereotypical gender roles and expectations. Feminist scholarship was able to focus study on ways in which the social world subordinated women by discriminating against and limiting them on the basis of their biological sex or of sociocultural gender-role expectations. The feminist movement fought for the abolishment of sexism and the establishment of women’s rights as equal under the law. By the remediation of sexism in institutions and culture, women would gain equality in political representation, employment, education, domestic disputes, and reproductive rights.
As the term sexism gained vernacular popularity, its usage evolved to include men as victims of discrimination and social gender expectations. In a cultural backlash, the term reverse sexism emerged to refocus on men and boys, especially on any disadvantages they might experience under
affirmative action . Opponents of affirmative action argued that men and boys had become the ones discriminated against for jobs and school admission because of their sex. The appropriation of the term sexism was frustrating to many feminists, who stressed the systemic nature of women’s oppression through structural and historical inequalities. Proponents of men’s rights conjured the notion of misandry, or hatred of men, as they warned against a hypothesized approach of a female-dominated society.
As the academic discipline of women’s studies helped document women’s oppression and resilience, the men’s movement reasoned that it was time to document men’s oppression. Proponents called for research to address the limitations of gender roles on both sexes. Critical work on men began to examine how gender-role expectations differentially affect men and women and has since begun to focus on the concepts of hegemonic masculinity and hegemonic femininity to address the oppressive aspect as well as the agency aspect of gender conformity and resistance.
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